Renato Di Maggio Rodrigues, born in August 1996 in Basel, Switzerland,
is a self-taught Photographer and Painter and works in Basel and Rome.
He shadowed the Swiss artist Gilbert Uebersax during 2017-2018 in the Atelierklingental in Basel.
In 2020 he graduated from the Accademia Italiana di Arte, Moda e Design in Rome.
He started his career as a Street Photographer in Brighton, England in 2018.
The atmosphere of city life nourished his curiosity to capture life situations with the lens.
In order to leverage his skills, after his journey around England he gained professional experience through
the main capitals in Europe.
In Rome he began to work as Fashion Photographer, but was gradually moving to Fine Arts, venturing,
beyond Photography, in mixed media and painting.
Selected Exhibition
collective Galleria La Nica, Rome (IT) 2020
collective Network of Arts, Lucerne (CH) 2022
photoSCHWEIZ22, Zurich (CH) 2022
collective Galerie Durchgang, Basel (CH) 2023
Solo JKF collaboration with Art Lab by Fondation Beyeler, Basel (CH) 2023
Collective Biennale MArtelive, Rome (IT) 2023
Solo Faire Kunsttage Basel x <wirdnachgereicht>, Basel (CH) 2024
Selected Works
two selected works in dedication to Gilbert Uebersax at Rappaz Museum, Basel (CH) 2021
VIEpa Vienna International Photo Award, Vienna (AU) 2020
'art lab' by Fondation Beyeler, Basel (CH) since Sept. 2022
Viral. «Le Ballet dans le Garage»
Viral. «Luci e Ombre» – eine Fotostrecke